本文共 5524 字,大约阅读时间需要 18 分钟。
首先是布局文件:// wxml布局文件//去掉原来的刷新view { { item}} 新华网 2344评
// js文件var sy;Component({ /** * 组件的属性列表 */ properties: { }, /** * 组件的初始数据 */ data: { data: ['狗狗是人类最好的朋友', '90%长痘的人都不知道,药店里不起眼的东西,睡前抹一抹,祛痘很快', '保时捷Cayenne,即刻驾驭梦想','沙漠极限挑战:三台空调挑战70度极限高温,谁先宕机?','德牧带大的二哈,二哈现在离不开她了,一刻不见就想德牧','为什么说达到第四宇宙速度就可以逃出银河系?','许久没去草坪的边牧,来到公园,开心的像个孩子'], desc: '下拉刷新', hei: 0, scrolltop: 0, isindrag: false, opacity1: 1.0, opacity2: 0.3, opacity3: 0.3, setInter: ''//计时器 }, lifetimes: { // 生命周期函数 attached: function() { console.log('attached') }, moved: function() { console.log('moved') }, detached: function() { console.log('detached') clearInterval(that.data.setInter) }, ready: function () { console.log('ready') var that = this //通过定时器循环改变三个原点的背景颜色透明度 that.data.setInter = setInterval(function () { if(that.data.opacity1 == 1.0){ that.setData({ opacity1: 0.3, opacity2: 1.0, opacity3: 0.3 }) } else if (that.data.opacity2 == 1.0){ that.setData({ opacity1: 0.3, opacity2: 0.3, opacity3: 1.0 }) } else if (that.data.opacity3 == 1.0) { that.setData({ opacity1: 1.0, opacity2: 0.3, opacity3: 0.3 }) } }.bind(this), 200) } }, /** * 组件的方法列表 */ methods: { start(e) { console.log(e) sy = e.touches[0].clientY console.log('开始触摸 sy : ' + sy + ' scrolltop : ' + this.data.scrolltop) }, move(e) { //console.log('hei : ' + this.data.hei) var delta = e.touches[0].clientY - sy console.log('delta : ' + delta) if (this.data.hei <= 0 && delta <= 0) { return } if (this.data.scrolltop <= 0) { if (this.data.isindrag == false) { this.setData({ isindrag: true }) } var tempdelta = 0 console.log('hei : ' + this.data.hei) if (delta > 0) { //手指向下滑动 if (this.data.hei > 50) { this.setData({ desc: '松开刷新' }) tempdelta = this.data.hei + delta / (this.data.hei - 50) //增大阻尼 } else { this.setData({ desc: '下拉刷新' }) tempdelta = this.data.hei + delta } } else { //手指向上滑动 tempdelta = this.data.hei + delta if (tempdelta <= 0) { tempdelta = 0 } this.setData({ desc: '下拉刷新' }) } this.setData({ hei: tempdelta }) } //console.log('hei : ' + this.data.hei) sy = e.touches[0].clientY }, end(e) { console.log('手指离开') var that = this if (this.data.hei >= 50) { this.setData({ desc: '正在刷新...' }) this.setData({ hei: 50 }) setTimeout(function() { sy = 0 that.setData({ desc: '下拉刷新', hei: 0, isindrag: false, scrolltop: 0 }) }, 3000) } else { sy = 0 that.setData({ desc: '下拉刷新', hei: 0, isindrag: false, scrolltop: 0 }) } }, scorll(e) { var st = e.detail.scrollTop console.log('滚动 st : ' + st) if (this.data.isindrag == false) { this.setData({ scrolltop: st }) } } }})
// wxss文件.item { display: flex; flex-direction: column; border-bottom: 1rpx #ccc solid; justify-content: center; padding: 20rpx;}.title { font-size: 35rpx;}.bottom { display: flex; flex-direction: row; font-size: 20rpx; color: gray; margin-top: 10rpx;}.comment { margin-left: 30rpx;}.column { display: flex; flex-direction: column;}.refresh { display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center; color: white; font-size: 28rpx;}.freshview{ display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center;}.dot{ width: 12rpx; height: 12rpx; margin-right: 12rpx; background: gray; border-radius: 50%;}
// wxml布局文件//去掉原来的刷新view //没有下拉的时候隐藏刷新view,增加此句代码 { { item}} 新华网 2344评